4 Advantages of Using A Water Borehole for Your Home
A water borehole is a sustainable, reliable supply of water. You’re able to source natural water directly to your property without paying for mains supply, which is a perfect alternative for those whose property struggles to get clean or consistent water or uses higher amounts of water than the average household.
Here are 4 advantages of installing a water borehole in your home.
1. Independence from your water supplier
With the current events that have taken place over the past couple of months, it would be understandable not to trust your water supply as much as you once did, which could mean that you are buying bottles of water from the shops instead of using your mains water supply. A www.water.org.uk study from 2018 states that ‘The number of adults who drink tap water at home is reported to be 78% (as opposed to 86% in 2008 – see Table 9). The proportion usually drinking tap water falls to 51% at work, as shown in Figure 1. When out and about, most people drink bottled water (48%)’
Installing a water borehole ensures that you have an independent water supply from the mains water suppliers – meaning that you are in control of your own water quality & have £0 to pay in water bills to a supplier at the end of the month.
2. Abstract up to 20,000 litres per day with no permit required.
Let’s say that the average person uses around 145L of water per day – showers, brushing their teeth, flushing the toilet, making hot/cold drinks etc. Now let’s say that in the average household, in which there are 5 members – there would still only be 725L water used per day. This means that you don’t have to worry if you have visitors or need to use a large amount for whatever reason – you have unlimited usage of water (up to 20,000L) just like you would a mains water supply.
3. Reliable Flow and Pressure
Having low water pressure around your household can be very frustrating, and is usually down to damaged water pipes. You can rely on your water pump’s flow and pressure since one of the only reasons for the pump to falter is because of age and with regular maintenance, you’ll be ensured to have reliable water flow & pressure.
4. Unaffected by Surface Temperatures
Other sources of water independence like springs or wells can be affected by the temperature outside. When the weather is freezing, the water in the well can freeze and cause problems to the entire mechanical system, whereas in a water borehole, since the pump is typically situated between 60m – 80m below ground level, it’s unaffected by outside temperatures – ensuring better maintenance.
Using a water borehole for your home’s water supply can be a more affordable option in the long run for your home, with minimal maintenance once installed Contact us today to find out more about installing your own water borehole with Dragon Drilling.